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Why Do I Feel Stuck?

Briandito Priambodo

Briandito is a designer, developer, and writer. Currently building products in Singapore and writing for his new project

It Happens Every Once in a While, and It's Normal
This article was originally published on The Tiny Wisdom.
In life, there are moments when we feel like life is monotonous. And in those moments, we often ask ourselves: "What am I doing with my life?"
It is normal to feel this way because these moments often happen in life, and they will always come and go.
Sometimes the trigger would be our self-doubt, which will lead us to compare ourselves with other people. We might also overthink what other people think or say about us.
And once you felt that way, you'll go down the rabbit hole of attacking yourself until you feel like shit.
Overthinking about being stuck will not get you anywhere. But it would be best if you didn't avoid or deny this feeling. It's something that we should accept, as it is a process that makes us grow.
It is a way for us to be able to understand ourselves better.
So take some time to grasp the feeling, declutter your mind, and try to figure it out. It will take time to do so, but you can't "unstuck" yourself just by thinking about it. You have to do something to untangle yourself.
Just like how you wouldn't know if you'd like to eat something before trying it, sometimes we need to experience the things that we don't enjoy to understand what we want in life.
It's not stupid to do the wrong thing, be at the wrong place, or have bad timing. At least you tried, and you should be proud of trying.

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