From Design to Animation, All in One App.
For all levels of design expertise.
Developers can use your animations out of the box.
Design and Animate in your browser.
Import and Customize Design.
Choose from a variety of animations from the Lottie library.
Add movement to images in just a few steps.
Easily animate files exported from Figma or other tools.
Explore Our Creative Tools.
The Pen tool is useful for creating complex shapes. Create straight lines by clicking to place points, or curved lines by clicking and dragging to control the curve's shape.
Craft intricate shapes with ease.
Create text boxes by clicking and dragging on the canvas. Adjust font properties and formatting to style our text, or use text as a shape by converting it to a path.
Design and animate UI with text.
Unlike Groups, Containers help organize elements in complex relationships. Adjust properties, add fill, border, and effects to control Container behavior and appearance.
Organize elements with parent-child relationships.
Use Union to merge shapes, Subtract to take one shape from another, Intersect to keep only overlapping parts, and Difference to remove shared regions.
Creating new elements by merging.
The Origin is a reference point for positioning elements, aligning shapes, and acts as the pivot point when transforming an element.
Set reference points for precise animation.
Masks are ideal for creating complex shapes and animations. The Mask tool controls visibility by using one shape to reveal parts of another, and masks can also be animated.
Hide elements non-destructively.
Why Would We Settle for Static Designs, When We Can Add Motion?
Adjust element properties on the canvas or property panel to create an animation keyframe at that moment in time.
Set property values to control element changes over time.
Trim Path controls the visible portion of a stroke or line. Adjust start and end points to create drawing or erasing animations. Use it to animate paths, and hide or reveal shapes.
Animate paths by controlling their visibility.
Keyframe easing adjusts the rate of change between keyframes. Apply easing to smooth out animations, creating more natural motion.
Craft fluid, lively, and dynamic transitions.
Animation presets are pre-made, reusable animations. Apply these ready-to-use effects to elements for quick, professional results.
Apply ready-made animations with a click.
Shipping Our Work is Fast and Easy.
For seamless web and mobile use.
To share looping animations.
For videos without compression loss.
© Phase Software GmbH 2025